California Redwoods

Mushrooms and moss cover the trees at Armstrong Woods State Park in California. Nestled along the coast, one can find these trees thriving in the misty weather resting near the Russian River in Sonoma County. Every time I am blessed with the experience of hiking there, I am fascinated to find new images in the trees and surroundings. I have created three Tiny Painting Series from this magical forest along with larger works such as, “Growth,” and “Resolute Protector.” The larger painting titled “Growth,” won First Place in the Nevada Watercolor Society Fall Show in 2022. Both larger works are available and I have a few of the Tiny Paintings left. I hope my love of the Redwoods is visible in these works of art. Here are the two larger original watercolors that are available. I love how they look side by side and imagine them hanging in someone’s home just like this.

Another enjoyment my husband and I love to experience is looking up at the tree Canopies. We love to watch the leaves or pine needles dance in the wind while the clouds float overhead. It amazes us to see the trees reaching up as high as they can and try to get as much sunlight as possible. I try to show these magical moments in my series titled Canopies of California. The sun, the sky, and the trees all dancing in movement together. I have three out of the five paintings left of these little gems.

I hope these paintings bring light and love into your homes along with a bit of wonder. I put the links to each painting below, you just have to click on the one you want to view and the link will take you to the specific painting on my website. If you have any questions about the paintings or how to navigate my website, please contact me via my contact page. I would be happy to help with any questions or concerns. Have a terrific Thursday and thank you for reading! 

-Karen Hilliard

New Painting for August

The new painting I have been working on is filled with intricate lines and tiny details. I have been waking up every morning, or for some the darkness of night, trying to stay motivated until it’s completion. I use an apostrophe on the word it to emphasize the personification of this piece. Each painting I create takes on a life of it’s own and becomes part of me, or another way to write this would be…a piece of me, or a look inside the inner workings of my mind. The paintings displayed on my website are all expressions of my visions, thoughts, feelings, and ideas. I am trying to introduce this new piece without giving too much away as to leave space for my Newsletter coming out August first. Signing up for the Newsletter will give each viewer an insight into the painting, detailed descriptions of the thought process behind the piece, and the first view of the painting itself. This blog is just a teaser, if you want to call it that.

The Newsletter will explain where I was when I took the reference photograph, the field sketches that were created on site, and some ideas behind the piece of artwork. I am very excited to receive feedback on this particular painting due to the intricacy and care put into every brush stroke. I am looking forward to hearing or reading about what people see in this painting or how it moves them, because it moves me so. As I write this blog, all I can think about is how much I want to get back to the artwork and production of this special piece. So this is where I will leave the blog for today with a spark of wonder for what is to come. If you would like to be one of the first to see the painting or have the opportunity to purchase it before anyone else, then please sign up for my Newsletter so you can receive an email on August first! 

Until then, thank you for reading and have a Marvelous Monday!

-Karen Hilliard

Finding Time

Walking in the dark in the wee hours of the morning to get to my studio where I can turn a light on and illuminate my visions on paper is a marvelous feeling. The quiet of the early mornings are the most peaceful time of the day. The artwork comes alive and sparks new and exciting nuances with every stroke of my paintbrush. The new series I have been working on is one I am very pleased to share with everyone, however, I must wait patiently until they are ready. My posts have been slow as well as these blogs for the sole reason of creation time. The morning has turned into my favorite time to be with my thoughts and start the day off with joy as well as gratitude. Do any of you have a certain time of the day where you are the most productive? As a mom, it used to be whenever I had a tiny moment. I am grateful to have now carved this time out for myself and am hoping it continues so I can bring beautiful paintings to life for all of you to enjoy.

Resolute Protector | Karen Hilliard Art | Original Watercolor | Redwoods | Watercolor Painting Click here for the Homepage!

I mention in my Newsletter about the new series I have been working on. I also give sneak peaks of the paintings I am producing if any of you would like to sign up for the Newsletter. Here is the link or you can find it at the bottom of my homepage on my website. I try to send them out via email on the first of every month. If the first falls on a wonky day, or a painting is not ready, I send them out the following week. This being written, I will send the next one out this August and I am overjoyed for you all to see the new piece! I sometimes have coupons for the Newsletter people only, and this is where I have the most information about what is new with my artwork. As for finding time to paint…the morning, and anytime I get a moment, are my most treasured times. It is just lovely to get my thoughts down and watch the world inside my head come to life on the paper in front of me. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see new sign ups on the Newsletter!!

Thank you for reading!

-Karen Hilliard

Devil’s Bridge

 A place in Sedona that we always stopped at was the tiny little coffee shop designed and created for Pink Jeep Tours. We loved to get the pumpkin chai. I was writing a post telling everyone about it and found out they have recently closed. Do any of you have a place you lived going to that is no longer in business? We used to grab a cup of chai and then sit outside overlooking  one of the most beautiful views in Sedona with amazing rock formations. One morning, long ago, we sat here for what felt like hours, then we decided to go for a hike. The trail we chose that day was Devil’s Bridge and oh what fun we had! 

The picturesque trail was covered in red sand and surrounded by glorious sandstone structures abound. I decided to walk barefoot through the sand for the entire 3.9 mile loop and Chris followed suit since he loves being barefoot. Our dog had the time of his life with all the smells of Spring around us. Flowers were blooming everywhere and the sandstone had a rich red hue combined with orange and purple details throughout the landscape. The path was aligned with juniper trees and indigenous bushes along with cacti. The hike to the bridge did get a bit steep so be mindful of that while you push forward for an amazing view. We were happy to get a picture at the top with our dog as it was one of his last hikes. I hope you all get the opportunity to see this wonder one day. Sedona is a beautiful magical place and full of smiles if you ever get the chance to see it. Highly recommend any trail there. 

Woman Of The Rock • Watercolor Painting Print • Karen Hilliard Art
“Woman of the Rock” Limited Edition Prints CLICK HERE!

I included my painting “Woman of the Rock” which is actually from Red Rock Canyon. I wanted to show the colors of Sedona the day we hiked and this painting was the closest representation of that day. A limited number of Prints are available on my website. Each one is signed by me!! Thank you for reading, supporting my art, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

-Karen Hilliard


Let’s go back into the desert on a trip together down memory lane…. Sedona, Arizona was a sight to behold. Rock faces, color concepts, topography, and vast landscape views took our breaths away. Upon arriving at this magical place, after traveling down a beautiful winding mountain canyon filled with trees and a river, one would find a geographical wonderland. We passed multiple campsites along the river that are always full due to the gorgeous location they encompass. 

This place is also known for its spiritual vortexes. Apparently it has both feminine and masculine energy intertwined on some of the hikes in the area. If you know more about this, please write it in the comments below. Fascinating! We were in awe of how the trees intertwined on these hikes and wondered if it had something to do with the vortexes? What are your thoughts? 

The colors of Sedona are remarkable and endearing. I could stare at the mountains and scenery forever. The shops are filled with amazing artwork by various local artists we became truly inspired by. The coffee shops were all wonderful and set with lovely landscapes out one of their windows or off the deck views for some of these cafés. Sedona is a must do trip in our opinion and I will write more about it next week! Until then, happy Friday and keep exploring.

Thank you for reading!

-Karen Hilliard


Ever since I was little, I would be in the stands watching my sibling’s games and I would be stretching. It seems odd to me how much I knew the importance of this as a small child and forget as an adult how necessary it is to have complete movement of my body. Now that I am older and wake up a little stiff, I am finding the need to stretch more and more. Why I am writing about this in my art blog may make no sense but if you read any of the previous blogs about hiking then a parallel is formed. Hiking, running, climbing, walking or any activity makes demands on my body and stretching becomes a major necessity. I must remember to wake up earlier and start the day off right. Life humors me by the mere fact that I can climb mountains and be fine, yet tweak my back picking up a pen. Sitting in a chair and painting for hours on end is no easy task. I must remember to get up and stretch or move my limbs regularly. Breaks are so important.

Oftentimes, I can get so enthralled on a project that I forget to eat or go to the bathroom. Sitting hunched over for what feels like minutes, yet turns into hours, may not be the best course of action. Getting a nice reminder to use the facilities when I stand up is not always a joyous thing. Having to run to the bathroom when one’s body is locked up can be quite challenging. So remembering to wake up early and stretch, take breaks while painting, and move at a tortoise pace in life are a few things I have learned in my time on this planet. Hope this post helps someone else today. Hoping you are out, enjoying yoga, a book, time with loved ones, or just doing something to relax. Take care and have a wonderful Wednesday. Also, thank you for reading these thoughts on self care and maintenance.

-Karen Hilliard

Binge Watching

Everything in moderation. Finding a show one really likes, connects with, or finds understanding in is what reels humans in. We are not solitary creatures. From the dawn of time, we have packed up in herds to keep safe from predators, therefore creating bonds with other humans. I think this is why we can connect with television shows and the characters we are presented with. Personally, I choose a show based on how I am feeling in the moment and then it captivates me from there. As much as I love being outside to recharge, I also love a hood emotional show. This helps me hit the reset button when I feel fried and taps me back into deep feelings. This seems odd to me at the same time since television is not real and characters in these shows are just acting for their paychecks. Really good actors however, connect with their characters and can draw us in. So here is one of my ways to unwind, do you have any?

After watching a show I go through many emotions. “Why did I just waste so much of my time when I have so much to create and get done?” I always answer myself that it wasn’t a waste of time. Books, movies, television, music, etc. are all created by other artists and it is vital to my creative process to immerse myself in other art forms. Painting or drawing while watching the show or movie is preferable. Sometimes though, I need to turn off my own creative process and just let go. Museums and watching other painters on social media is fascinating to me as well. TED talks and  documentaries also get the creative juices flowing. There is so much more, but I was trying to stick with binge watching for this post. Does staying on social media and scrolling through videos count for this as well? This is something I wonder about. Also, I always remember to take the dog for a walk, he may cuddle up and chill, but I believe he loves going outside more. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and thank you for reading!

-Karen Hilliard

Finding Time

Time may be a construct in our everyday lives that we create and intertwine to needs, demands, and wants. However, making time for what matters to us has to be the most important. I find it difficult to find time to draw or paint and my ideas run rampant in my head slowly driving me mad. Not really insane per se, but constantly whispering…”draw me, paint me, or I will slip away and you won’t remember me.” So here I sit, in the dark, on a Wednesday morning…sketching and barely being able to see what I am doing. Why is the light not on you ask? My daughter slumbers next to me with her sweet innocence and I choose not to disturb her. Yet, I find time for myself to draw and that is an amazing feeling. I am so thankful and grateful everyday to be a mother and have this passion for creation inside me as well. Ideas may come and go, or often slip away, but I will always try to sketch some of them before the fleeting moments happen.

Work in Progress…

This flower cactus series has consumed my mind in all the good ways. My brain is active like the pollinators bringing ideas to every stem of my neurons and my fingers want to dance them out onto the pages of my sketchbooks.  So again, here is sit, in the dark, feeling alive and excited with every stroke. Also, it is nice to see how they turn out in the daylight when she wakes. I do consider my eyes often and make sure to take breaks or stop if any strain is happening. The blogs get written during the wee hours as well and I have computer glasses for that since my screen is set on dim. Once in a while, I point the tiny light at the sketch to see if it is coming out decent. Here are the Cactus blooms I have been creating. I hope you are enjoying this series. Spring is a magical time of year with so many possibilities!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and thank you for reading.

-Karen Hilliard

Cactus Blooms

The desert comes alive in the Spring as we head into the summer months. The pollinators are out in force working hard to collect what they need to survive. Bees are amazing to watch as they work, dive, swim, and play in the pollen of cactus flowers. We are fortunate to have beavertail cactus which produce prickling pears. The flowers that bloom have these beautiful yellow, orange, and green magnificent colors. The center looks like a green button almost. I love sketching them and changing the colors around to see where the art takes me. As I watch the bees work, my mind drifts into a world of whimsy. I end up using all the colors on my watercolor palette to express the emotions I feel from these lovely treasures we find in the desert. 

Cactus Bloom 1 | Karen Hilliard Art | Original Watercolor and Ink | Tiny Painting | 4x4

Another interesting fact about these flowers is that the petals appear soft, but are protected by a harsh stiffness underneath from the cactus needles. Nature amazes me and how adaptation takes place to help plants survive. Did you know there is only one type of prickly pear flowering cactus plant in the Galápagos Islands because bees only pollinated one over and over. They let the other flowers die out because they preferred the nectar of the yellow flowers. Just Fascinating! We saw this on a documentary on Netflix once upon a time. The Islands are definitely on our list to go and visit. Have any of you been there, or long to go there? Where else have you traveled and seen desert wildlife or flora? I have really been enjoying the comments on my blogs and love getting tips of where to travel to next!

Thank you for reading and have a Marvelous Monday!!

-Karen Hilliard

Daylight Savings Time

 The start of earlier days means the possibility of waking up and going hiking and catching the sunrise. Driving to hiking spots in the dark is pretty awesome for my family because the dog can sleep, the baby can sleep and the husband and I can just talk and drive. When we look out the window we are blanketed beneath the stars and encompassed by the earth. We love getting to the trail super early, especially on what we think is going to be an overcast day or cloudy day, because the sunrises are even more breathtaking here in the southwest. Now, all of this being said, keep in mind we leave at 4 AM, which for most people is not the morning. We like to get to trails super early just to see the sun crest over the mountains. We also love living in the central location to where the state and national parks are super close to us. We’re very fortunate to live where we do, it is an outdoors man and woman’s dream. I also feel blessed knowing we will be happy anywhere we live since happiness is a state of being.

Do any of you have a favorite time of day to go on your adventures? Is there a special place in the world you love visiting? My large family’s special place has been Disneyland for a very long time where as my little family and I prefer the outdoors. Everyone has their own way and I love how different we all are. Nature awakens all my senses which I am sure you already know from previous blogs or following my work. My goal is to bring the beauty and magic of the outdoors into your homes. I think it is because I am a huge Disney fan for the artwork and storyline that I see whimsy everywhere. The magic I experienced as a young child has been carried over into how I see all aspects of this world. The most magical time for my imagination is in the early hours of the morning, when everyone seems to be sleeping. This is when my creations run wild. The sun rising to welcome a new day also opens my mind. Therefore, I love longer days and more time to create!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful Tuesday! I wrote this blog last week and forgot to post it. Since motherhood, days and dates are a blur! Can anyone else relate?

-Karen Hilliard