

For The Love Of Art

  • California Redwoods
    Mushrooms and moss cover the trees at Armstrong Woods State Park in California. Nestled along the coast, one can find these trees thriving in the misty weather resting near the Russian River in Sonoma County. Every time I am blessed with the experience of hiking there, I am fascinated to find […]
  • New Painting for August
    The new painting I have been working on is filled with intricate lines and tiny details. I have been waking up every morning, or for some the darkness of night, trying to stay motivated until it’s completion. I use an apostrophe on the word it to emphasize the personification of this […]
  • Finding Time
    Walking in the dark in the wee hours of the morning to get to my studio where I can turn a light on and illuminate my visions on paper is a marvelous feeling. The quiet of the early mornings are the most peaceful time of the day. The artwork comes alive […]