
Rivers flow and carve beautiful canyons with time or by powerful force. Thinking about life, I have always found it moves like water. Sometimes there needs to be a change or a bend to flow around, over, or through something. Sometimes force needs to be applied while other times subtle soft flowing needs to happen. We headed out to our usual trail and found some activity there so decided to keep driving. When there are questionable people I like to move to a less populated area, especially now that I have a little one. Deciding to flow like a river and see where it would take us, we happened upon a lovely new trail and saw so many wonderful things. Also, we had to watch the sky and the rain coming in the distance to know when to pack up and head back to the car. The desert can have flash floods which can come quickly with little warning.

This being in the forefront of our minds, we did stay near the vehicle while playing in the wash. The first creature she got to see was a Black-tailed jackrabbit almost the size of her! We followed slowly in the direction of the rabbit but would not have caught up with them. Giving the animals space in nature is very crucial to their survival. This little path took us to some gorgeous sandstone boulders with mountains in the distance. Our daughter touched plants, played in the sand, stacked rocks, and talked about everything she saw. We had discussions about getting to high ground if it started to rain and respecting wildlife. There were so many teachable moments but the fun was by far the best part of the hike. Seeing her face light up in wonder is purely magical! Thank you all for reading and I will write more on Wednesday with added drawings. Have a Marvelous Monday!

-Karen Hilliard

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