
There are subtle and drastic changes in the topography of the desert landscape. Weather can carve new paths and crevices in the rock faces, washes, and leave flora twisted upon itself. The past few times I went hiking was on the same trail yet it was different in so many ways. Lighting on one particular day was glorious and magical. A cloud covered a section of the mountain while the sun peaked through and shone so brightly on another. To be there in that moment and witness the light was breathtaking. This space of time literally had me pause my breath for seconds, it was truly amazing. The picture below does it some justice, but as we all know a photograph from a phone does not get the light exactly as it was during the moment. Looking back at my photos from the hike prior to that day, the mountain looked drastically different as did the wash. I long for the day to paint these photographs even if just in a sketchbook to immortalize the memories of each beautiful day.


After being completely mesmerized by the light and sharing the moment with our daughter, she brought my attention to something else entirely. I love how toddlers can do this. All children have different attention spans and I love how their imagination can take over in an instant. We started to gather rocks and began stacking them up in towers, or carins for my outdoor friends. We found that releasing pebbles and sand from our grasp at different heights onto the stones made different sounds. Some were high pitched noises whereas others were subtle and soft. We started to hum and sing little tunes while making music out of natural objects. It was a lovely day outside. I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday and get a chance to go outside this weekend. Thank you for reading!

-Karen Hilliard 

8 replies on “Change”

Wonderful descriptions of your desert experiences. So nice to share them with your daughter, and she likewise shares with you!

I have also struggled to truly capture a landscape the way I want to with a photo. But such a lovely description of your day out in nature!

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