Jackrabbits, Chollas, Beaver Tail and more! So many things that became in store. The clouds above were full and grey with cotton like wondrous white speckled in. We still talk of “hop” and how it ran off…hip hopping away in the distance. As we looked up, we saw a lovely light illuminating the mountains beyond. They called to us and we decided to walk over in their direction. I went where she pointed and enjoyed what she found. The leaves on the bushes that dried where they hung, the pebbles in the wash moved throughout time, and the textured sandstone of the boulders that stood. Out of everything…we talk about the “hop” still and it was requested to be drawn in our book.

This is the first creature she saw out in its element. In its ecosystem. We saw some jackrabbits prior at Sunset park along with little bunnies, yet this one was gigantic compared to those. I can see why she is fascinated by it and talks of it days later. Have any of you seen wildlife while out hiking or walking? What types of animals have you encountered or are there any stories you would like to share? Please leave them in the comments below. We would love to hear about them. I am very excited for what we may see next, on another trail, on another day. Until then…have a Wonderful Wednesday and thank you for reading!
-Karen Hilliard
4 replies on “Desert Life”
We haven’t been hiking in awhile :(, but in our own neighborhood and backyard we are still enjoying some desert wildlife! My son and I also love the “bunnies” and that’s our favorite by far. But we see hummingbirds, lizards and roadrunners too. And quail! Love watching his reaction and awe when these animals make their appearances
I love reading your comments and especially enjoyed this one. The descriptions here are wonderful. Such a joy for children to see all these little creatures. Their faces just light up. Any outside time is magical! Thank you for sharing your experiences.
Your blog on Desert Life is a captivating and enlightening exploration of one of the most unique and resilient ecosystems on Earth. You’ve skillfully captured the balance between beauty and harshness that defines desert landscapes, offering readers a deeper understanding of how life thrives in such extreme conditions. Your vivid descriptions and thoughtful insights make the desert come to life, transforming it from an intimidating environment into a place of awe and wonder. This piece is both informative and inspiring, providing readers with a fresh perspective on desert life. Excellent work!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on this blog. I went to your website and think you are an amazing writer. Also, I really loved your photography. Thank you for taking the time to write this. A goal of mine is to spread our love of nature and love in general to the world, bringing peace. Thank you again for capturing in words an intention that is so important to me about showing the desert as “a place of awe and wonder.”