The Original 3

Woman of the Rock, Here’s Lookin’ at you Faith, and Crash Landing are the three watercolors that started off as a series and became a large body of work. My inspiration for my large detailed pieces comes from rock formations and fallen trees. These three paintings happen to be rock formations. All three originals are not available and there are prints of Woman of the Rock and Crash Landing. Let’s talk about the first one.

Woman Of The Rock • Watercolor Painting Print • Karen Hilliard Art

Woman of the rock was inspired by a rock formation on the Calico1 trail in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada. Walking along the rocky path in the morning light, I came across a beautiful hill of rock. The image appeared to be a woman leaning against a wall with a basket on her head. I thought she looked like she needed a break from her daily chores. This painting is titled “Woman of the Rock” because the woman is immersed in the rock.


The Second painting was inspired by a boulder on Mt. Charleston in Nevada. I was bouldering and at the end of the climb, I saw a face, of course. This face was looking out left towards the trees and the person climbing with me. I came up with the title because of my friend’s name. The rock was looking toward her. The limestone gave off amazing contrasts of light and dark and this painting was a joy to create.

Crash Landing • Watercolor Nature • Original •Karen Hilliard Art

The last painting in the series inspired this style to be my life’s work. Crash Landing is the one I kept. This painting took me 7 months to finish and I could not possibly put a price on this one. I was happy to make prints of the painting so this rock could be shared with the world. It is found on Calico 1 Trail in Red Rock Canyon State Park, Nevada. It looked as if a prehistoric bird had crashed against the rock mid-flight. No one has seen this bird skull. My life’s work has become asking people what they see in my art. “Crash Landing” gives me great inspiration!! What do you see?

Please email me your response. look forward to hearing from you!

-Karen Hilliard