The Art of Whimsy

Whimsical is defined as playful or amusing, also as appealing. This pumpkin series is meant to bring a jovial jive so they dance through the minds of each viewer and take each person to a land of wonderment. The land of awe where anything is possible and the world is full of all the colors on the spectrum. There is a play of light and dark throughout this series including various undertones with different techniques. Water play and detailed brushwork went hand in hand with each piece and the ink came at the beginning, middle, and end. Every time I look upon these pumpkins, I am transported back in time to happy memories of holidays with my family and the warmth this time of year brings. These colorful wonders also ground me into the present moments I am having with my little family at the Pumpkin Patch and watching our daughter explore the natural world. The paintings also give me hope for our future and dreams we have coming into fruition. Consistently putting in the time, hard work, and dedication needed for these goals to become a reality. This series is definitely a fun project for me.

Every year the pumpkins we choose change yet we always try to find the majority for eating. We cook soup, scones, breads, etc. If you have a recipe or a link to one, please share it in the comments below. The previous blog Pumpkin Soup was supposed to be about soup, yet, as writing is a form of art, it took two directions. That blog became one of hope for others and an outstretched hand. This blog comes back to the original sentiment of the series and the loveliness I am trying to spread in the world, one painting at a time. Whimsy means fanciful, which is in one’s imagination, and behavior for which we act. These paintings are a glimpse inside my mind which is a spider web of wondrous thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Each brush stroke, dot of the paintbrush, or pen is a thought from me to you. I see many different images in the lines of my creations and usually am smiling the whole time while working on these fun little pumpkins. I occasionally have a determined or concentrated look on my face and then a chuckle comes from my mouth while the water flows its own way again. These little pieces are meant to bring magic and humor into your life and to be viewed with whimsy. I love how each painting is unique and not one is painted the same!

Wishing you all a Wonderful Weekend! Thank you for reading.

-Karen Hilliard

Karen Hilliard Art | Pumpkins 2024 Number 8

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