Italian Seasoning with Thyme and Rosemary filled the air around my house while I walked our dog. I drifted back to childhood memories of my Grandfather and all of his stories blanketed me under the stars. As we walked the third lap and it was nearing 9pm, I smiled with the mere thought that the smell was coming from my home. My husband carved one of the Gilcrease Pumpkins tonight and I boiled the flesh of the squash. The red pumpkin ended up being really soft and when blended into a purée, it turned more into a soup, so I decided to make soup. While it simmered I was thinking about the sales of the recent “Pumpkins 2024 Series Number 2” and “Number 8,” and feeling overjoyed at this time of year. A time for family, friends, and loved ones to come together and share hearth and home. I also thought of those who feel alone at this time of year, and hoped if they saw these colorful paintings that the artwork may bring a smile to their faces. A warm hug, an outstretched hand possibly, to know they are not alone. I hope this series brings whimsy and color into people’s homes and hearts.

Here are a few more of these pumpkins to view. October is becoming one of my favorite months and the Fall season is as well. Thanksgiving truly was not really a great time of year for me until I met my husband and his joy of cooking inspired my own. Even around many people, I still felt alone and misunderstood at times. Growing up as an artist can create a lot of different emotions at once, and I felt all over the place with many thoughts. Usually what I wanted to create next, yet did not know how to express these ideas. My recent series on the Redwoods touch on Togetherness especially for this time of year. I was fortunate to keep my wonderment from childhood alive and well as I grew and evolved. This “Pumpkins 2024 Series” reaches out with color and liveliness. These pumpkins are meant to spread jovial energy and happiness this time of year. I hope this post finds you well and if you feel lost, please reach out to someone, you are not alone. If you know someone who feels lonely this time of year, please reach out to them as well. Every time my Grandpa called me on the phone I would say, thanks for calling. He always replied, “Thank you for picking up. If you didn’t there would be no conversation.” Thank you for reading and have a wonderful Wednesday!
-Karen Hilliard
“A true selfless act always sparks another.”
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