Every time I am out in the desert I feel worlds away from everything and everyone else. The topography continuously changes and causes my mind to wander into my imagination. So many thoughts come flooding in as if a flash flood or monsoon is happening inside my brain. Does this ever happen to you? I get so many thoughts at once and don’t have time to write or sketch them all down. I feel grateful every time I hike to have the opportunity for my life to be filled with wonder. Never expecting what may happen out in nature and always being pleasantly surprised is the best way for me to approach life. This is where I find my greatest inspiration, from the unknown. My favorite days outside are, what other people may describe as, the gloomy days. I love overcast and cool weather. Anytime the weather shifts to drizzle or gray moments, my mind shifts back to my childhood, growing up on the coast of California. This was such an amazing moment in time for me and anytime it rains I am transported into my imagination.

The gray days are perfect weather to enjoy a sip of coffee and break out my sketchbook. I have this wonderful little set of watercolors I found in Germany and it fits in my bag perfectly. When I arrived back in the USA I found the same set on Amazon. Here is the link if anyone is interested. These are my field watercolors, Winsor and Newton Cotman series. I also went to our local Desert Art Supplies and purchased another small blank set which I fill with specific colors and my Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolors. Between these two sets I find a happy place. Anytime I see the sky gets cloudy and I have a free moment, you can find me out in the desert, falling in love with the scenery all over again. I hope to bring this peace into your homes or the homes of your loved ones with my paintings. For now, have a terrific Thursday and I hope you have the chance to get outside!
-Karen Hilliard