Painting these mushrooms and animals has been quite enjoyable. I met the owner of the farm over Instagram due to a mutual obsession with mushrooms. I asked him if I could paint some of his mushroom pictures, and here we are, with a new Tiny Painting series. The title of this series is Witchy Acres because that is the name of his farm. He is a super awesome human excited about life and sustainable living.

Number 1 in this series is a close up representation of mushrooms layered together. I chose blue and red to make a light purple shadow on the white fungi. I love the layers of gills under the mushroom caps created with violet and light blue hues. A fascination came with each intricate line and details with shadows. This painting kept me very intrigued and just flowed. I listened to classical study music while creating it and the mushroom just came into existence while focusing on the negative space.
There are also amazing animals on this farm I will be painting. Number 2 in the series is a wonderful black cat walking around in the woods. Behind this mammal are logs placed diagonally against trees. These logs will be used for growing the mushrooms. The owner of the farm asked for the green plant by the cat to be taken out of the painting and I really like how it turned out. I used the same technique on the foreground as the California Redwood series to show the needles the trees dropped. Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, and Windsor Blue paint were mixed together to create this forest floor.

I am excited for Number 3 and looking forward to painting more mushrooms as well as goats from this magical Witchy Acres Farm. Thankful for this opportunity! If you have any comments or questions about the paintings or farm, please send me a message at
Any questions about the farm will be forwarded to the owner. I look forward to hearing from you!
-Karen Hilliard