My family and I were fortunate enough to get a break in the summer heat this weekend and make it out to the trails. We ventured to a favorite inside Lake Mead Recreation Area. The temperatures stayed below 90 for us both Saturday and Sunday. Our dog and daughter had the best time playing and exploring. I was in JoAnn Fabrics the other day and found these amazing sensory kits for kids that included sand along with textile objects. The excitement grew when we found patches of sand out in nature and our baby played with found objects such as rocks and twigs. She was fascinated with how the sand felt between her fingertips and loved watching it move around on a huge stone slab we all sat on. The dog was just happy to find some shade and hang out with us. I love being able to share the natural world with my family and have their creativity shine when we are outside together.
Another fun experience together was how far we actually traveled on the trail. The new backpack has been wonderful but the real excitement is all walking hand in hand. People always told me hiking with a baby would be much slower, and although I agree with this, it is very important to state how much joy comes from that slowness. She reminds us of the joy of childhood and how we never had to think about the big adult responsibilities. When we are outside, we all enjoy each other and take time to appreciate everything around us. My goal on the next couple of hikes is to quickly sketch a few inspiring subjects I find out there and then paint them upon returning home. Life sure is different now. Especially finding time to paint. I love the challenges and am blessed with new inspiration daily. Have a Marvelous Monday and thank you for reading!
-Karen Hilliard