Café con Leche is a Spanish treat that ignites the senses into a flurry of wonder. The English translation is coffee with milk but let me tell you, this is not the taste that will befall your lips and tongue. Coffee with milk just tells the story of an everyday wake up and go, throwing coffee in a travel mug with a dash of milk just to get a jolt of lightning to start the day…a quick sip of love while sitting in traffic. Whereas a Café con Leche is something else entirely. For example, it is much smaller, much stronger, and deserves much more time to consume. Sipping this delicacy will transport the consumer into a world of complete happiness and a love affair with oneself. Everywhere we went, and on a daily basis, we found a café, then ordered our Café con Leches. We sat. We sipped. We enjoyed deep meaningful conversations. This is how the coffee of Spain deserves to be treated. The internet compares this drink to our Lattes and there is a slight comparison, however, I implore you to travel to Spain and decide for yourself which drink is better. I am sure you have all figured out my opinion and vote by now, and it is not the American version.

While we were traipsing about Barcelona we happened upon a huge Starbucks. I wrote huge because our Starbucks here in Las Vegas are small and on almost every corner. This one was large and in charge from the outside. We did not go in. While in other countries, other states, other cities, even towns, I always try to find the local places to enjoy a meal or beverage. I understand the want for comforts of home and it isn’t because I love to give my stomach a mystery. Although, I am always hopeful for a delicious delicacy over a night in the bathroom. The real reason to taste new foods and drinks is an exploration for my tastebuds. Traveling and seeing the world is not only a trip for my eyes, nose, and ears, but my tastes as well. I love giving my business to small shops along the way. Even if I have a hard time affording certain prices, I try to purchase something small. Coffee in foreign countries always seems the most reasonable. What is your go-to beverage of choice while traveling? In America, I love a hazelnut latte and cheese danish. Anywhere else in the world I try their coffee with milk and compare it to Spain’s delicious treasure.

I hope this blog finds you all well and thank you to those of you offering to “buy me a coffee” through the website. Here is the information again. Each cup of love is appreciated and keeps me inspired for the daily creative bursts. The aroma alone awakens all my senses. Make sure to leave your Instagram or Facebook handle so I can thank you on social media as well. If you would like to show support, here is the link and I truly appreciate the fact that you are liking these blogs, as well as my art posts. I am working hard to bring you all fresh content! Here is the link to my Instagram where I try to post daily. You can also find me on Facebook at my art page Karen Hilliard Art. I value all of you and thank you for reading! Have a blessed weekend and hopefully you all find enjoyment in any activity you do, even a nice sit on the couch watching Netflix…this is always a favorite of mine.
-Karen Hilliard