Social Media is an amazing way to share my art with the world. I recently have been working on my Instagram account @khilliardart and have grown awesome followers in a very short timespan. I am super thankful for all the wonderful people following my page and artists for their support. Giveaways are a great way to say thank you and show appreciation to others who are “liking” and “following” your page. I teamed up with a friend to make our giveaway even more exciting and offer our wonderful fans more items when they win! Her links are below.
My friend is offering a really lovely bar of soap which looks like Frankenstein @reikinaturesway. She is a Reiki Healer and creates reiki infused bath products. The Pumpkin Spice Bubble Bath Scoop produces many awesome bubbles and rich lather. Both products are scented and magical. She and I have posted on both of our Instagram and Facebook pages to give as many people as possible the opportunity to have some treats this holiday season.

My gift to our followers are two 5” x 7” prints of original watercolor paintings. The print of “Greg’s Rock Chicken” is on thick Watercolor Paper. The original painting is of a rock formation from Zion National Park in Utah. The other print is on a thinner Enhanced Matte paper and is from the Bristlecone Pine series #6. The painting was inspired by the images I see in the trees on Mt. Charleston in Nevada. I thought these two prints would be perfect for Halloween and the Fall time of year.
In order to win these gifts, we ask our followers to tag a friend in the comments on either page. We then reply with, “you are entered, thank you!” This lets each person know whose name will be placed into the drawing to win the prizes. Giveaways are super fun and we love to show our fans we appreciate them. Reiki Natures Way and I love giving back to all of the people who are so wonderful to us! Thank you again!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or send a message on social media. I am happy to help. I am also on Facebook at Karen Hilliard Art.
-Karen Hilliard