Fall Season

Fall is a wonderful time of year. The weather starts to cool in the mornings and hopefully stays throughout the day. If you live in an area with changing seasons, then you can see some amazing variations of colors in the trees. Here in the desert we are lucky to have some oak trees which release their leaves and give a nice yellow hue before they blanket the ground and change to brown. My husband loves the smell of decomposing leaves and it reminds him of his childhood growing up in Wisconsin. His cousin recently sent me lovely photos of the changing leaves throughout the town where she lives and it has sparked my next series of Tiny Paintings. “Juliet’s Fall,” will be released in my Newsletter on November first in a little over a week. This series is about slowing down and taking time to appreciate everything around us. Nature is such a wonderful teacher in this retrospect as well as teaching us many other lessons to learn. 

All things in nature take time to grow and develop, then run their course of living their individual existence. This series is about the leaves and the changing of the seasons, also reminding us that as humans, we go through many transformations in life. These changes become chapters in our book of life and our novels expand as we evolve. Trees are fascinating and see so much life pass around, above, inside, through, and beneath them. What would they tell us if we could listen or understand? These small pieces are meant to bring light and color into this world through the cool seasons leading into winter. Fall is a remarkable season filled with warmth from fires lit in the hearth of homes, soup made on people’s stoves to sip with merriment, hot chocolates, teas, and coffees consumed by many. The food of Fall brings everyone together and reminds us to give thanks for everything we hold dear. I love the constant reminder that where I am today, right now in this moment, I wished for it to happen in the past. This colorful series I am about to release heightens all of my senses and brings awareness for everything that is important to me. A very grateful feeling. I hope this Fall is a magical time of year for you as well. You can sign up for my Newsletter on my website or click this link and you will be directed to it. Have a Wonderful Wednesday and thank you for reading!

-Karen Hilliard

Click Play to watch me Painting the New Series, “Juliet’s Fall.” Releasing Soon!!

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