Mental distractions could be crippling at times especially when time is limited. Referring to my last blog about finding balance in the time allotted as well as taking mental breaks to keep creation alive, there is also the presence of interrupted time. When this takes place during day to day scenarios it is often difficult to push through these blocks in order to finish a project. Sometimes I crave a movie or television series to spark my creative aspirations and help me to relax my mind. Unfortunately, this also allows me to sit far longer than I would hope for at times, and can cause an interruption of my flow instead of motivating me. So, in order to help prevent distractions from happening, setting a timer may be an idea I should try.
Luckily, meeting deadlines is not an issue but losing sleep is. I wonder what other ideas I can try to stay focused when the mind wanders. Having several sketchbooks filled with ideas and writings is also a joy, yet I can get lost in those various thoughts for weeks. This is an example of something I could not set a timer for. Inspiration, in any form, cannot be boxed into a segment of time. The best realization is to leave the television off and possibly do some yoga to recenter my thoughts. There are however, many, many great movies that inspire my creations. Another distraction is books yet I will leave this for another time. Please let me know what distracts you and how you deal with it. You can contact me via my website. Have a wonderful Wednesday and thank you for reading!
-Karen Hilliard